Building Partnerships to Transform Community Health
We envision a future in which all families live in community environments that support good health, and where all residents have a voice in community change.
Partnership for the Public's Health has catalyzed change in communities throughout California. We link residents, community organizations, public health departments and other key partners, to transform the conditions for health through collaborative action.
In low-income neighborhoods across California, families live with the consequences of unhealthy community environments every day. Their ill health is tied to poverty and social inequity – limited healthy food options, contaminated air and water, hazardous streets and violence, lack of parks and places to be active. There are no such things as playing casino games at online casinos, like many players do at baccaratfarms.com, or any other gambling sites.
Through diverse projects -- the California Convergence statewide network, the Healthy Eating Active Communities program, Public Health Department Minigrants, and many other efforts -- we work to implement the bold changes in policy and practice that build vibrant, healthy and equitable communities.
Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
Strong community resident leadership and a robust network of local collaborative can generate the “tipping capacity” to create health and social equity in California and elsewhere in the U.S.
PPH Mission & Theory of Change:
A Vision to Transform Health and Social Equity in CA and the US (PDF 290 kb)