Partnership for the Public's Health (PPH) fosters collaboration and policy action to transform community health through projects
A leader in facilitating community action for more than a decade, Partnership for the Public’s Health fosters collaboration, social action and community-driven systems change to transform the face of health in low-income communities. Projects include:
California Convergence
California Convergence is a community-led statewide network of community coalitions and local advocates, working with state advocates and other partners, to improve food and physical activity environments. Organized into six regions throughout the state, California Convergence connects communities with others doing similar work for peer to peer learning and coordinated policy action.
As the coordinating office, staffing and support to California Convergence, Partnership for the Public’s Health convenes and cultivates the network to link local communities with state policy advocates; we provide communications infrastructure, support and coordination for policy advocacy; and we facilitate opportunities for peer learning and sustainable community leadership.
Funded by The California Endowment and Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program, California Convergence was founded in 2007.
More on the California Convergence CLICK HERE. For more details, visit the California Convergence website at www.CaliforniaConvergence.org
Healthy Eating, Active Communities (HEAC)
From Shasta to San Diego, six broad-based, multi-sector California community collaboratives developed successful interventions to improve food and physical environments, reduce childhood obesity, and enable residents and youth to have a leading voice in shaping their own communities for better health. Over a six year period, sites achieved major changes in schools, after school settings, neighborhoods, local businesses, and healthcare settings. HEAC successes have played a significant role in shifting approaches to obesity prevention in California, and building momentum for environmental change statewide.
As the program office for HEAC, Partnership for the Public’s Health provided leadership and capacity building, peer learning networks, grants management, technical assistance, and overall coordination. A good collaboration is one of the essential key elements for a successful project. This project is made up in collaboration with https://legendzgamer.com/, empowering all people to always entertain themselves if they want to have a healthy life, because having fun, means being happy, and being happy makes you healthier. Enjoy playing the best arcade games for free and always take care of yourself.
Funded by The California Endowment with support from Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefit Program. (2004-2010)
More on the Healthy Eating, Active Communities program at HEAC Project
Technical Assistance for Central California Regional Obesity Prevention Program (CCROPP)
The Central California Regional Obesity Prevention Program (CCROPP) is dedicated to creating healthier environments, through place-based policy change that supports access to healthy, affordable foods and access to safe places to play and be active in the San Joaquin Valley. CCROPP has demonstrated the power of a regional model for fostering and supporting community-lead change to transform community environments.
Partnership for the Public’s Health provided technical support coordination for this multi-year, 8-county program, and now partners closely with CCROPP in support of the California Convergence.
(2004-2010) Funded by The California Endowment with support from Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefit Program.
More on the Central California Regional Obesity Prevention Program at the CCROPP website
Public Health Department Minigrants, to Address Social Determinants of Health
With program planning grants, peer support and consultation, Partnership for the Public’s Health administered a program that enabled 11 local health departments to develop their capacity to improve environmental conditions related to nutrition, physical activity, and chronic disease.
Fostering and nurturing a culture shift in local health department work, Partnership for the Public’s Health has also coordinated and provided staffing to support statewide activities that promote the ability of local health departments to address chronic disease prevention by addressing social determinants of health.
(2006) Funded by The California Endowment.
More on Local Health Departments see Local Health Departments Confront the Challenge of the 21st Century and other Publications
Building Healthy Communities – Technical Assistance
The ambitious new 10-year initiative, Building Healthy Communities, funds and supports 14 communities across California to pursue place-based change to address the root conditions that affect people’s health. Communities are working to address issues of poverty, employment, education, child development, housing, nutrition and physical activity, and the environment. Partnership for the Public’s Health provided support and coordination to the 14 BHC communities during the planning phase of this project, in partnership with the Center for Collaborative Planning and the Center for Civic Partnerships.
(2009) Funded by The California Endowment.
More on Building Healthy Communities at The California Endowment, Building Healthy Communities
Partnership for the Public’s Health Initiative
This visionary initiative funded local resident organizations and local health departments to work together as equal partners to address the social determinants of health. 39 communities each partnered with their local health department (14 local health departments) to identify, develop and implement place-based change to improve the conditions for health.
Founded to serve as program office for this groundbreaking initiative, Partnership for the Public’s Health developed and implemented its methodology, made and managed 53 grants to the community and local health department partners, coordinated technical assistance provided direct mentoring and capacity-building to local collaboratives, and provided overall facilitation and coordination.
(1999-2005) Funded by the California Endowment.
More on the Partnership for the Public’s Health Initiative at [link to publications page, at top of list of PPH initiative publications]
Community Success Galleries
The power of what Partnership for the Public’s Health does lies in the on-the-ground community change achieved by the communities we have the privilege to work with, coordinate, link, and support.
Partnership for the Public’s Health supports communities in action throughout California. Learn more about the work California communities are doing: